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White Brick Wall
  • What is the meaning of Lost Songs ?
    The songs that you will find in Lost Songs exists in the movies or TV shows, but they are not available for downloads or listening outside of their videos. These SONGS exists but are LOST
  • Where else can you find Lost Songs ?
    Lost Songs are publishing at this web site and in Soundclound
  • In which software does Lost Songs use to edit their songs, music and remixes ?
    Lost Songs use mainly Apple Garageband to create music and remixes and Audicity to edit songs.
  • Can I request content to be added to Lost Songs ?
    You can send me a request via the Contact page (press the link for more info), I will review and will try to find your lost song.
  • How do we make the visualized music videos ?
    We are using a very good and free online service called
  • Why not all the songs in the Soundcloud channel appears in this web site ?
    To create the animated videos for the songs, takes a long time and effort. If I would wait until all songs have videos, the web site publish would have been delayed for months. Instead, I have decided to publish the site now with a few videos but the site will continue to be updated all the time with more content and videos.
  • Why some of the videos on the web site are internal and some are in Youtube ?
    The internal web site video platform quality is limited in some cases. In such cases the audio quality is decreased and overdrived. To avoid it, we are using the Youtube platform to maintain the highest audio quality for the video. If you would like to avoid using Youtube platform for the particular video, we will recommend to check our Soundcloud channel, most of the songs on the web site are also available in the Soundcloud channel.
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