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It all started one day when I've finished watching one of my favorite movies and watched the movie credits roll, the movie soundtrack was playing the background. I realized what an art it is to create such music.

I wanted to find that music so I can listen to it at a later time. I found out that it is a very difficult task to find it in most cases. 

A while after, I realized other people also want the same and have challenges as well.  Because for many movies or TV shows, the creators are not publishing the original soundtracks, either they are not publishing at all or they only publish a few songs which are sometimes are edited and sounds different from the original soundtracks in the actual movie or TV show.

For that reason I've created Lost Songs, in order to provide to you some of those Lost tracks and save you the hard work of finding it your selves. 


P.S. if you read this after already browsing my web site, you probably noticed that you find popular tracks from movies and TV shows here, the reason is that Lost Songs is focused on bringing the rare and Lost tracks out there. I'm avoiding adding the more popular and commonly found tracks from other places.


Lost Songs always attribute the original creator of the music and will mention it for each track.

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